The Governing body i.e. the Board of Directors was initially elected through the raising of hands and it is only some time in the eighties that voting through ballot paper was introduced. While initially, the tenure of each Governing Board of Directors used to be of one-year duration, it got extended to 3 years and now on to five years since 2011 with amendments in the law of the land. The election of the 9 member Board of Directors is strictly through the universal franchise of members, present and voting. While the Directors decide among themselves on who to take up the responsibility of being Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, the various duties or rather portfolios to run this huge juggernaut of a ‘Society’ is likewise
apportioned between all the Directors. These honourary gentlemen have at their disposal a core office staff of four plus one electrician and a motley group of manual labourers. Office administration too has slowly but steadily evolved through the years. Computerisation has been introduced and now the facility has been expanded. Our own website has been created in the latest endeavour for improvement for obvious benefits. The present services leave much to be desired, the motto remains ‘to strive for ever better selfless service’